Mental Health Abroad Webinar
Western International is hosting a webinar on mental health abroad that will be presented by Dr. Megan Hart-Fernandez, International SOS – the emergency assistance service Western partners with to support student outbound mobility.
This session will benefit a faculty & staff member who leads/coordinates/supports international programs at Western.
Please find the highlights below and feel free to circulate it among your faculty & staff community.
Key Highlights:
- How to Recognize & Best Respond to Mental Health Symptoms during an overseas group trip / when students are planning for their “first big trip abroad” – presentation with Q&A for faculty-led program leaders / international team
- What is Mental Health Rapid Recognition & Response (Mental Health RRR)
- What resources are available, and how to access them (i.e. Emotional Support via Intl. SOS)
- In the event of an incident, how program leaders / international team can respond