Sam Wagter: Non-Stop Digital Flickerings | MFA thesis show
Room: Artlab Gallery
Non-Stop Digital Flickerings
Sam Wagter, MFA thesis show
November 23 - December 7, 2023
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 23 from 5-7PM
artLAB Gallery
“Gnash the mesh that binds her. Quench the icy iron. Her mind is a matrix of non-stop digital flickerings.”1
I see my computer not as a tool for creation but rather, as an extension of myself. I have never been separated from computer technology and the internet. I view my artistic practice as a body of code, each piece of art or writing is a function I’ve added, indicated by the semicolon atier each title of the artwork and pieces of writing I create. I am not searching for the defined but, rather, I am welcoming infinity, endlessness, or ‘void’. Non-Stop Digital Flickerings looks between the binaries, into the ‘void’, and explores the glitches which reside inside. ‘Void’ is the space found within the gaps of these coded structures. It is the in-between space. This space embraces those who fall into multiple labels or identities - those who are not white, those who are not cisgender, those who are not straight, those who are not men, those who feel restricted or suppressed by the social standards implemented long before their time, those who want to free themselves from a binary way of thinking, and those who seek to live within the in-between.