Events Calendar

Art Now! Presents: Michael Belmore

Thursday, October 17, 2019
7:00 pm
Museum London
421 Ridout St.
London, ON
Michael Belmore

Join us Thursday, October 17 at Museum London for our Art Now! Speakers' Series, featuring artist Michael Belmore. An exhibition tour of "Ways of Being: Yhonnie Scarce and Michael Belmore" will begin at 7PM led by Cassandra Getty, with Belmore's talk to follow at 7:45PM. Presented in partnership with Museum London.

Michael Belmore is an Ojibway artist and member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. He holds an associated diploma (1994) in sculpture and installation from the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto. He currently lives in Ottawa, working in a variety of media including plastics, metal, wood, and stone. These materials are important to understanding his work, bringing into account how we view nature as a commodity.

Liza Eurich

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