Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa- Keynote on Diversity in Medicine
Room: 1002
Diversity in Medicine: The Evolution of a Black Female Doctor and Advocate
Date: Feb. 12, 2024
Time: 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Location: Dental Sciences Building 1002
Register Here
There is a disparity in healthcare, one that Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa experienced firsthand as the only Black medical student in her cohort at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine. She became an ambassador and educator for the University’s Black Student Application Program, but in accepting this role, she was warned of the risks this posed to her career and was quick to learn and experience the darker side of advocacy.
In this eye-opening keynote, Oriuwa shares her evolution as an advocate for diversity and inclusion in medicine. She will explore how she navigated personal and professional risk to challenge the status quo and enact positive change; the historic barriers she went head-to-head with; the important role diversity plays in healthcare and beyond; and how we can all become effective allies for the Black community.
Event Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/diversity-in-medicine-the-evolution-of-a-black-female-doctor-and-advocate-tickets-807354217197?aff=oddtdtcreator