Events Calendar

Single Reed Day

Sunday, November 12, 2023
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Music Building (MB)

Join us for a day of exploring and celebrating the clarinet and saxophone at Western with the studios of Profs. Bobbi Thompson and Jana Starling and special guest artists.

Planned activities include workshops on single-reed instruments, health and wellness, masterclasses, equipment exhibits, performances and collaborative playing opportunities.

A pizza lunch will be provided.

For complete information and to register, visit

  • Open to clarinetists and saxophonists of all ages and levels

  • Attending an event in person? Changes happen! Check this calendar listing before you leave home and check our Audience Information webpage for always-up-to-date general information, including health and safety protocols.
Sign up for the Don Wright Faculty of Music's monthly email to be notified of all planned events and for notifications of schedule changes.

Sasha Gorbasew

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