Measuring the Pandemic: COVID-19 Data Sources and Surveys
Are you doing research on COVID-19, or are you trying to decide which data dashboard to use?
Join our data librarians as they review available sources of COVID-19 data. This workshop will have two areas of focus. We will highlight available COVID-19 data dashboards and the sources of data. There will be a focus on sources, reliability of the data and how it is displayed.
We will also review survey data conducted since the early days of the pandemic, including Statistics Canada and International data sources. Some featured surveys asked Canadians about topics including their perceptions of safety, mental health, parenting that in some cases have results available in the form of public use microdata files (PUMFs) and summary tables.
Session outcomes:
- Develop an awareness of available COVID data
- Learn about Social science surveys related to the impact of COVID on Canadians and others