Read it Again: Palsgraf as Guide for the Perplexed
Room: Room 38
Join Western Law's Tort Law Research Group for a public lecture with Professor Shauna Van Praagh titled "Read it Again: Palsgraf as Guide for the Perplexed".
Shauna Van Praagh is Full Professor in the Faculty of Law at McGill University where she has taught and researched since 1993. She also serves as the President of the Law Comission of Canada. She served as Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) from 2007-2010. She chaired the 1995-96 Committee on Curricular Reform, which produced the blueprint for the revised program of legal education introduced in 1999. She has also taught at Columbia Law School (1990-1992) and King’s College London (1992-1993), and was a visiting scholar at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires (2010-2011), Universitat de Barcelona and Hebrew University Jerusalem (2018).
Prior to joining University of McGill, Professor Van Praagh clerked for The Right Honourable Brian Dickson, Chief Justice of Canada, from 1989 to 1990.
Shauna Van Praagh has been intensively involved in the development of teaching and learning in law. She served as President of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers (2013-2014). She was appointed in 2015 as one of two academic members of the National Requirement Review Committee under the auspices of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.
Professor Van Praagh was awarded the John W. Durnford Teaching Excellence Award in 1995.