Virtual Postdoctoral Research Forum
Virtual Postdoctoral Research Forum
The Postdoctoral Research Forum was created by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to foster scientific interaction, interdepartmental collaboration and garner greater exposure and recognition for the postdoctoral scholars’ invaluable research.
Tuesday, June 14 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. How to turn a research idea into a successful research project and an impactful research program with Dr. Kevin Shoemaker, AVP Research, Dr. Ana Luisa Trejos, Associate Professor and Dr. Mariam Hayward, Director, Knowledge Exchange, Impact and EDI-D in Research - The workshop will provide hands on tools and resources to help attendees visualize the big picture of the research project, setting quantifiable realistic goal, bringing a research idea to fruition, and turning a research idea into a proposal worth funding
3 Minute Research Competition (3MR) - The 3 Minute Research Competition is a research communication exercise where postdoctoral scholars have 3 minutes or less to present their work and its impact to a diverse group of audience members. The exercise develops overall communication skills and competencies in the explanation of your research in layman's terms.
Wednesday, June 15 | 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 16 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Rock your LinkedIn Profile - facilitator Tamara Hendricks from LinkedIn - Explore how to create/improve a LinkedIn profile to find a job and network
Promote your research using social media with Tristan Joseph, Communication Manager, Research - Gain a high-level of the most relevant social media platforms, including how to showcase and promote your research
Friday, June 17 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Keynote and award ceremony - Dr. Robert Buchkowski, Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada
Please nominate your supervisor for the Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award and your postdocs for the “Eugenia Canas” Postdoctoral Scholars of the Year Award
Recognition will be given to Postdoctoral Supervisors who have demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at Western by going above and beyond supervisory expectations. These mentors have given their time and put forth extra effort to ensure a successful experience for postdoctoral scholars. One Postdoctoral Supervisor will be honoured with the Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award during the Postdoctoral Research Week on June 17, 2022.
Please send your nomination letter (two-page maximum) to Mihaela Harmos by 12 noon on June 6.