Do Londoners look to their local media for international...
Room: TBA
"Do Londoners look to their local media for international news? We asked about Israel/Gaza coverage. They answered"
Hosted by Kathy Gannon, FIMS Winter 2025 Asper Fellow.
All are welcome.
Join us as students in MMJC 9327 - International News, Independent Media: Illusion or Reality? discuss the results of their examination into local London news coverage of the Israeli/Gaza war since October 7, 2024.
The students collected data from the London Free Press and CBC London from the first three months of the war, the middle three months and the most recent three months to best understand the evolution of the coverage. Armed with this data, they then spoke to members of the Jewish and Muslim communities in London about how the coverage resonated with them.
- Was it sufficient?
- Did they feel respected?
- Did the coverage reflect the war’s significance?
- Did they even rely on local coverage of the war for information?
Hear from students and the people they interviewed to find out what they discovered, and what they can take away from the project.
Kathy Gannon Bio:
Kathy M. Gannon is a Canadian journalist and was news director of the Associated Press for Afghanistan and Pakistan for nearly four decades (read more).