FIMS Film Festival Critics Lab: An Insider Experience at...
Room: 4130 (or Zoom)
"FIMS Film Festival Critics Lab: An Insider Experience at TIFF 2023"
Presented by Professor Nataleah Hunter-Young (Principal Coordinator), Shawn Cheatham (Project Coordinator), and Emma Russell (Creative Assistant).
Everyone is welcome. This lecture is part of the FIMS Seminar Series 2023/24.
Attend in-person: FNB 4130
Attend online: Register on Zoom
Film festivals are dynamic non-profit ecosystems where creative practitioners (filmmakers, producers, writers, actors, cinematographers, composers) meet industry (sales and talent agencies, distributors, investors), the press (critics), and public audiences. The FIMS Film Festival Critics Lab provided 20 undergraduate and graduate students with tickets to see up to eight films during the 48th edition of the Toronto International Film Festival (#TIFF23), widely considered North America’s premiere entry point for international cinema and boasting an annual attendance of approximately 500,000 industry and audience members.
In this FIMS Seminar Series presentation, Principal Coordinator Nataleah Hunter-Young (FIMS Professor) will provide an overview of the international film festival circuit and the role of festival programmers as cultural curators. Joined by Project Coordinator Shawn Cheatham (PhD C, Media Studies) and Creative Assistant Emma Russell (MIT 4), the presenters will share Critics Lab highlights and discuss how to strengthen the initiative’s future editions.