Events Calendar
Therapy Dogs!
February 11, 2025
Doctoral Public Lecture | Li Li
February 25, 2025

Online: Faculty Seminar - Barb MacQuarrie

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
This seminar will be offered online

Recording link:

Please join us for a Faculty Seminar by Barb MacQuarrie from the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children about "Domestic Violence in the Workplace: Ensuring Everyone Is Safe".

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o Use the “settings” which looks like a cogwheel symbol when you first click on the collaborate UE link. This will allow you to set up your headphones or computer speakers. Allow Collaborate UE to access your headphones (external) or computer speakers (internal)

o Turn off pop-up blockers temporarily or allow it to accept pop-ups from Collaborate UE.

o On a Mac, if you still cannot hear and you’ve followed the steps preceding, on your keyboard, click “command” + M to unmute.

o Check your audio that your speakers are not muted in your computer settings.

o Turn the audio sound up on your volume on your headset or computer speakers.

o During the speaker series: participants will have their sound muted which means they cannot speak, but it will not affect their ability to hear the audio in the session.

o To send a private chat to the moderator, click on the circle beside the moderator’s name and you can send a private message to ask for technical assistance if your audio is not working.

o Tip for connection issues: pause streaming in your home and close other tabs or applications on your computer.

o Video will only be used by the presenters and not the participants attending.

o Log in 15 minutes early to have the moderator check your audio connection.

Jen Heidenheim
Event Type:

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