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Therapy Dogs!
February 11, 2025
Doctoral Public Lecture | Li Li
February 25, 2025

Visiting Speaker - Dr. Miguel Rosello-Penaloza

Tuesday, October 22, 2019
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
John George Althouse Faculty of Education Building (FEB)
Room: Alumni Room (1044)

Dr. Wayne Martino is hosting Dr. Miguel Roselló-Peñaloza (School of Psychology, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile) who will speak about “Psy Sciences, Gender and Sexualities: The psychopathological construction of difference” on Tues Oct 22/19 from 2-3 pm in the Alumni Room.

To say that the psychiatric and psychological clinic does violence to the lives it works with is nothing new. It is a troubling statement, nonetheless. Of course, saying this is not to deny the good intentions that legitimate every practice involved in clinical work, but to recognize that its narratives contain dangers when they reproduce exclusionary social norms transformed into canons of mental good health, constructing a scientific and unquestionable border between what is desirable and undesirable. This presentation will focus on a critical analysis of what psy sciences do regarding gender and sexualities, delving into the disciplinary penalties exacted on non-masculine and non-heterosexual people, especially regarding the construction of trans life experiences —including their bodies, identities and sexualities— as (psycho)pathological, unintelligible and impossible.

Speaker Biography:
MIGUEL ROSELLÓ PEÑALOZA, Psychologist (Universidad de Chile), M.Cs. in Psychosocial Intervention (Universidad de Barcelona), PhD in Social Sciences, Education and Health (University of Girona)- is specialized in qualitative methods and discourse analysis with critical social perspectives. His areas of interest gather around critical social psychology, feminisms and queer theory; the construction of difference and stigmatization based on sex, gender and sexual practices; HIV prevention; homophobia and transphobia; deconstruction of psychopathology and power relations in science, clinical practices and public politics. He is currently working in Chile at the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano and is an associate member of the Research Group Discourse, Gender, Culture and Science -DIGECIC-, of the Research Institute on Quality of Life -IRQV- and of the Inter-University Women and Gender Studies Institute -iiEDG- (Catalunya, Spain). E-mail:

Coffee and cookies will be served Please RSVP to by Friday, October 18, 2019 if you would like to attend. All welcome!

Jen Heidenheim
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