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Therapy Dogs!
February 11, 2025
Doctoral Public Lecture | Li Li
February 25, 2025

Visiting Speaker - Dr. Karen Pashby - MMU

Monday, April 1, 2019
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
John George Althouse Faculty of Education Building (FEB)
Room: Alumni Room (1044)

"Global Citizenship Education for Today’s ‘Global North’ Classrooms": A Conversation with Karen Pashby and discussants Melody Viczko and Paul Tarc.

As indicated by its inclusion in United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7, global citizenship education is a key element of Agenda 2030. Given the change in approach from the Millennium Development Goals, which focused on actions in so-called developing world contexts, to the imperative set in the SDGs for actions in all signatory nations, global citizenship education is being mobilised in important ways in Global North contexts such as Canada and Europe. This raises questions on the extent to which critical approaches are being engaged in classrooms and to what extent mobilisation around 4.7 is responding to longstanding critiques about how global learning can reinforce colonial systems of power (e.g. Andreotti, 2006). GCE is the source of substantial scholarly and empirical research, particularly over the past 15 years. There has been a proliferation of typologies of GCE, each differentiating GCE based on moral, political, and ideological distinctions (e.g., Shultz, 2007; Schattle, 2008; Gaudelli, 2009; Marshall, 2011; Oxley and Morris, 2013). In her talk, Dr. Pashby will review some findings from an analysis of 11 such typologies of global citizenship education (Pashby, Costa, Stein & Andreotti, 2019). She will discuss, in particular, ‘critical’ approaches and the need to go beyond description of ‘types’ of global citizenship to focus directly on the tensions. Finally, drawing on empirical work (e.g., Sund & Pashby, 2018; Pashby & Sund forthcoming) with secondary teachers in England, Finland, and Sweden, she will consider key questions for research that bridge the meta conversations on GCE with the complex lived realities of classrooms.

Speaker Biography
Dr. Karen Pashby is Reader (equiv. Associate Professor) at Manchester Metropolitan University, Docent (equiv. Adjunct Professor) at University of Helsinki, and Adjunct Professor at University of Alberta. She co-leads the Global Futures in Education research group at the Education and Social Research Institute at Manchester Met, and teaches on the Education Studies and International Education programmes.  An experienced educator (in Montreal, Toronto, Northern Quebec, Edmonton, suburban Brazil, and northern Finland), her research engages theoretical and empirical research in the fields of global citizenship education and internationalisation, drawing on critical and post/de-colonial theoretical resources. Her current project, supported by a British Academy grant, brings together critical scholarship in both environmental and sustainability education and global citizenship education. The project—working together with teachers in England, Finland, and Sweden—involves co-producing a resource to support a complex and ethical approach to global issues pedagogy in secondary classrooms. She is also co-investigator on Teaching global equity and justice issues through a critical lens, a project working with upper secondary students and teachers in Sweden and funded through the Swedish Research Council.

Coffee and cookies will be served. Please RSVP to by March 27, 2019 if you would like to attend.

Jen Heidenheim
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